十大外围足彩网认识到战略合作对整个价值链取得有意义进展的重要性. Engaging with third-party organizations helps us broaden our sustainability efforts so that together, 我们有更大的影响力.

美国鸟类保护协会 is dedicated to conserving wild birds and their habitats throughout the Americas. With an emphasis on achieving results and working in partnership, 美国广播十大外围足彩网讲述了当今鸟类面临的最大问题, innovating and building on rapid advancements in science to halt extinctions, 保护栖息地, eliminate threats and build capacity for bird conservation. 十大外围足彩网与美国鸟类保护协会合作,通过与我们的纤维供应团队合作,为濒危鸟类提供关键的栖息地条件, 林业专家, 木材供应商和土地所有者在我们的工厂盆地在美国.S. 南. 我们的倡议包括鸟类调查, 学术研究合作, implementation of bird-friendly forest management practices and workshops with consortia of landowners, 保护组织和社区合作伙伴.

International 纸 is a national Annual Disaster Giving Program member for the 美国红十字会. 这一承诺建立在十大外围足彩网长期支持美国红十字会救灾项目的基础上,并帮助了美国100多个社区. 

We joined forces with the 植树节基金会 to strengthen the resilience of communities through the 社区树木恢复计划 -一个公共和私人合作伙伴关系,向受自然灾害影响的社区的居民免费分发树木. Through the program, we also support the restoration of forestland impacted by natural disasters. As one of 17 founding members of the 植树节基金会’s 常绿联盟, International 纸 champions initiatives that leverage trees as a simple, 自然气候亚洲十大信誉购彩官网, improving community resilience and preserving clean air and water, 健康的食物和宜居的气候.

我们每年向客户报告, shareholders and the general public through CDP questionnaires on climate, 森林和水, and we participate in the CDP supply chain program within our supply network.

十大外围足彩网与“庆祝地球”组织合作,向美国各地的教室分发蝴蝶包和向日葵包. 幼崽提供毛毛虫, 蝴蝶的房子, 葵花籽包, 带回家的活动和教师指南,从幼儿园到三年级教室的完整说明. 

我们对促进社会平等的承诺需要重新审查阻碍平等获得可持续资源的某些障碍. That’s where the 遗产保护中心® comes in. 与十大外围足彩网合作, the Center supports historically underserved communities to build inter-generational resilience. In 2023, 十大外围足彩网宣布支持继承人财产保护中心®,因为他们与世界自然基金会(WWF)合作。, Kimberly Clark Corporation and the Mississippi Center for Justice to provide legal services, assistance and resources to help historically underserved Mississippians. 这个为期两年的项目, 莫比尔盆地继承人财产支持倡议, is designed to help families in Mississippi protect and keep their forestland, 建立代际财富,促进生产, 可持续管理的森林.

十大外围足彩网组织和扫盲冠军组织正在共同努力,支持“为扫盲游戏而战”倡议,使从幼儿园到三年级的学童受益. The Fight for Literacy Games empower NCAA basketball coaches, their teams and fans to participate in literacy awareness efforts, 志愿者工作和筹款活动.

The Ellen MacArthur Foundation works to accelerate the transition to a circular economy. 该网络汇集了行业领先的十大外围足彩网, 新兴的创新者, 分支机构网络, 政府当局, 地区, cities and more to develop and promote the idea of a circular economy to mobilize systems solutions at scale, 在全球范围内. This membership enables International 纸 to advance its contributions to the circular, 低碳经济, building on its work to evolve the design of its packaging, 纸浆和纸制品,使他们可以享受多次生命,通过不断循环的回收和再利用.

美国环境保护署(EPA) SmartWay®  
这是U.S. public-private initiative to reduce GHG and air pollution created by freight transportation.

我们与美国森林基金会(AFF)和大自然保护协会(TNC)一起支持家庭森林碳计划,以加强美国各地家庭拥有的林地的碳固存. 家庭拥有美国所有森林的最大部分.S., 这个项目代表了减缓气候变化的一种新方法,它挖掘了家庭拥有林地的碳储存潜力,同时为那些投入时间和精力管理森林的家庭创造了一个新的市场和收入来源.  

十大外围足彩网与喂养美国合作, the United States largest domestic hunger-relief organization, to help feed America’s hungry and to support its national disaster relief efforts. We mobilize our people, products and resources to help “Box out Hunger.”

十大外围足彩网与全球食品银行网络(GFN)合作,扩大以儿童和家庭为重点的项目,以养活加拿大粮食不安全的家庭, 智利, 法国, 意大利, 墨西哥, 波兰和西班牙. 

The NCSL represents the legislatures in the states, territories and commonwealths of the U.S. 它的使命是提高效率, 立法机构的独立和完整-以及促进州际合作和促进立法机构之间的信息交流. We support the work of NCSL through our contribution to the NCSL Foundation.

2013年推出 林地管理伙伴关系 十大外围足彩网十大外围足彩网和国家鱼类和野生动物基金会(NFWF)共同保护和加强了14个南部州的生态重要林地和沿海稀树草原.

We are collaborating with 大自然保护协会 on the development of 自然气候亚洲十大信誉购彩官网s, 保护, 在受管理的森林景观中增加碳储存和减少温室气体排放的恢复和改进的森林管理技术. Our collaboration supports their Reduced-Impact Logging for Carbon (RIL-C) initiative in Gabon and Indonesia, 他们在哪里开发一套科学实践来平衡以森林为基础的社区的经济需求和环境目标. 

International 纸 supports 阅读是基础 through their Books for Ownership program, which gives age-appropriate books to first-graders in school districts where our employees live and work, 这样他们就可以开始建立自己的家庭图书馆了. 

萨凡纳河清洁水基金是一项协调一致的努力,旨在永久保护和负责任地管理萨凡纳河流域的森林-大自然的水过滤器. 这是乔治亚州和南卡罗来纳州的第一次, 该基金召集了不同的利益攸关方,围绕保护森林为当地社区带来诸多利益的共同目标, 经济与野生动物. The Fund comprises representatives from five public water utilities in Georgia and 南 Carolina, 国家环境和林业部门, 地方土地信托, 和其他人. International 纸 represents the first company from the private sector to join the effort.

科学减排倡议(SBTi)帮助企业制定科学减排目标,以减少温室气体(GHG)排放,并改变企业运营方式,以适应未来的低碳经济. 企业为减少温室气体排放而制定的目标,如果符合最新的气候科学所称的将全球变暖限制在远低于工业化前水平2摄氏度的必要水平,则被认为是“基于科学的”, 并继续努力将升温限制在1摄氏度以内.5°C. International 纸’s 35% greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction target across scopes 1, 2和3已被SBTi批准,与实现《十大外围足彩网》目标所需的水平一致.


International 纸 annually conducts more than 80 local 统一的方式 campaigns in the U.S. and Canada, enabling employees to donate to their communities in a meaningful way. International 纸 matches employee donations by 60 cents on the dollar. 除了财政承诺, employee volunteers participate in a variety of 统一的方式 Days of Caring projects.

U.S. 能源部的更好的气候挑战  
美国.S. Department of Energy (DOE) is challenging organizations to set ambitious, 整个投资组合的温室气体减排目标. 作为能源部“更好的气候挑战”项目的合作伙伴, International 纸 is one of more than 80 organizations across the U.S. economy that are stepping up to the Challenge and driving real-world action toward a low-carbon future. International 纸 is committed to reduce GHG emissions by 35% by 2030, 与现有的最佳气候科学相一致, and to work with DOE to share successful solutions and decarbonization strategies. 

The World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD)  
WBCSD是一个由具有前瞻性的十大外围足彩网组成的首席执行官领导的组织,旨在激励全球商界为企业创造可持续发展的未来, 社会与环境. International 纸 has joined the WBCSD and the organization’s 森林亚洲十大信誉购彩官网集团, which provides business leadership in expanding sustainable forest-based solutions. 在我们参与森林亚洲十大信誉购彩官网小组期间, we have helped to launch the Forest Sector SDG Roadmap and the CEO Guide to the Circular Bioeconomy.

渡槽联盟汇集了领先的十大外围足彩网, 各国政府和基金会从世界资源研究所的渡槽水风险图集小组和水管理活动中获得战略指导和行业见解. 该联盟为成员提供了一个与世界资源研究所交流的空间,并保持在水管理思想领导的最前沿.

十大外围足彩网是美国首批加入世界自然基金会森林前进计划的五家十大外围足彩网之一. 这一全球计划与全球各地的十大外围足彩网和其他利益相关者合作,为森林提供有效的基于自然的战略,帮助实现其业务和可持续发展目标.